Michigan's Wild and Wonderful Upper Peninsula
Awaken your adventurous spirit in the Upper Peninsula, a place where every corner invites exploration and wonder. Since 1911, the Upper Peninsula Travel & Recreation Association has been your guide to this awe-inspiring destination. Our mission is to spark your wanderlust and provide all the tools you need to plan an extraordinary getaway. Uncover the U.P.’s hidden treasures and embark on an unforgettable journey to one of our nation’s most stunning natural havens.
Find your Adventure
Discover the magic of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, where an ever-changing landscape and boundless beauty await those who dare to wander.
Start your journeyEvents in the Upper Peninsula
From winter's frost to summer's glow, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula welcomes adventure in every season! Contact event coordinators for the most current information before setting out.
Stories across the U.P.
6 Valentine's Day Date Ideas in Michigan's Upper Peninsula
- 6 minute read
With only a few weeks left until the day dedicated to lovers, you may be scrambling for a unique… Read More
Plan a Trip Around These Winter Events in Michigan's U.P.
- 10 minute read
While things often slow down in the winter, much of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula activity ramps… Read More
6 Easily Accessible Winter Scenic Sites
- 5 minute read
You’ve heard the stories. Yes, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan does indeed get a whole lot of… Read More
Explore the U.P.
The interactive map below highlights some of the most loved places in our three regions. Click a region, and it will jump you to favorite stops along our Great Lakes shorelines and into our untamed wilderness, history-making sites and fun-loving communities. Go exploring!
Regions of the U.P.