Hans Isaacson

Upper Peninsula Snowmobile Trail Report    

Report is based on available groomer updates from around the UP. 

February 6, 2025

Check These Weekly Updates Before You Go

There is no better place to snowmobile in the Midwest than Michigan’s Upper Peninsula! But trail conditions can differ widely in this vast snowmobilers’ paradise where snow bases are often measured in feet, not inches. 

The best way to know where to leave sprays of powder in your wake is to check our weekly snowmobile trail reports from December 1 to March 31, weather permitting. Local groomers post conditions in all 15 U.P. counties. Your next thrilling adventure awaits! 

Register Your Sled and Purchase a Trail Permit

Before you head out to explore the trails, register your snowmobile with the Michigan Secretary of State. Residents and nonresidents must also buy a snowmobile trail permit to operate their sleds on public lands. With this permit, you can ride on state-designated trails, public roads and public lands (where authorized).

Western Upper Peninsula Trail Conditions

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Gogebic County

  • Gogebic Range Trails: (2/6) Thanks to Mike Secord and his wife for grooming trail 11 South, Carter Kravik for grooming trail 8 and Joe Marzak for grooming trail 2. Trail 8 is good at this time. Trail 2 is good to great! Trail 11S is good! Jerry is heading out on trail 160 now. Have fun and ride safe!
  • Lake Gogebic: (2/6) Marenisco area crews out overnight keeping the trails smooth and flat. Trail 1 between M28 all the way to Presque Isle is in excellent condition overall. Trail 8 west from the Trails 1/8 intersection to the GRTA system is in excellent condition also. More snow and cold can only make em better!
  • Watersmeet: (2/5) GROOMER UPDATE 2/5/25- Groomers Gary and Jim B were out grooming our entire system last night. The 2 daylight pictures are by the tunnel on trail 2. The night pictures are trail 13 heading to Cisco Lake. Trails are setting up nicely. More snow will definitely help the thin spots. Ride right and Be safe!

DNR Trail Map

Ontonagon County

  • Ontonagon/Silver City/White Pine: (2/6) Trails are rated in good to excellent condition. Finally, we are not resetting the trail base completely every night. Traffic is subsiding! Thank you Ontonagon Scott, White Pine Nick, and North Coast Steve for your time last night fixing trails up for our guests. We have been relieved to see the lack moguls on our trail system, thanks in large part to our amazing mechanic team! Please have a safe Super Bowl weekend, ride right, ride sober.
  • Greenland/Rockland/Mass City/Sidnaw, Bruce Crossing: (2/6)  Last Groomed: February 05th, 2025 Reported On: February 06th, 2025 @ 11:03am We are grooming our whole system every day. Please ride on the RIGHT side of the trail and STOP at the stop signs! Stay on the trail, if you don’t we could lose trail permissions on private property. Groomers have the right of way on the trails, pull over and stop to let them safely pass! We now have Groomer Tracker installed in our groomers. We groom every day that the weather conditions and equipment allow. Unforeseen circumstances may prevent us from going out, like a major blizzard and being snowed in at our homes or equipment breakdowns.

DNR Trail Map

Houghton County & Keweenaw County

  • (2/6)  Snow showers through Thursday into Friday Morning. Clear for the rest of the weekend. 
    • Groomed Trails: 3, 17, 122, 124, 130, 132, 132W, 152, 153. 
    • Notes from Trail: Was a good day. Still seeing lots of traffic. Expect low visibility and drifting across the system.
    • Portage Lake Lift Bridge snowmobile trail is open.
    • Please respect private land owner rights. We can't have a trail system without their support.

DNR Trail Map: Houghton 

DNR Trail Map: Keweenaw 

Baraga County​ 

  • (2/6) Groomer is out day grooming Trails are good, We have groomers set for everyday in all directions 2-4-25 to 2-9-25 We groomed trails - 8, 14, 159, 8/15 NS 15 in town. Please visit the Visitbaragacounty.com page for additional info. All groomed this weekend. Low snow in towns but very rideable. Please respect private land owner rights. We can’t have a trail system without their support.

DNR Trail Map

Iron County

  • Iron River: (1/30) All of our groomers were on the trails yesterday and the entire system was groomed. Here are the conditions by trail: Trail #15S to the Wisconsin border and Trail #116 to Young's Complex were groomed for the 1st time. These trails have low snow conditions and will not get groomed again until we get more snow. Trail #2 going thru Iron River, and Trail #107 to Kenton are in good condition and will be groomed again on Friday and Saturday of this week. Trail #15N to Sidnaw and Trail #111 to Amasa have been groomed again and with the new snow are both in good condition. These trails will be groomed again on friday of this week. We are forecast to get more snow on Saturday and Sunday, and the trails will just continue to be in good shape as we get more snow!! Remember to Ride Right so you make it home to Family and Friends.
  • Crystal Falls: (2/5) Currently our snowmobile trails are now open on private lands {ATV,s and ORV,s are not allowed}. Trail #2 and Trail #16 between Crystal Falls and Iron River, were groomed on February 3rd and 4th. We ask all snowmobile riders to use extreme caution when riding until snow conditions permit us to put the groomers to work on the rest of our trail system. When snow conditions permit. Our regular grooming days will be as follows: Trail #16 from Crystal Falls, West to Iron River and Trail #111 and #18 from Crystal Falls to Amasa then east to Republic; Groomed Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Trail #113 and Trail #2 From Crystal Falls South to The Brule River, then west to George Young Cut off: Groomed Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Trail #16 From Crystal Falls East to Sagola: Groomed Tuesday and Thursday. This trail does not connect to trail #5 East of M95 in Dickinson County. That section is closed due to not being able to secure permission from private landowners. We will continue to work on this with the DNR. “We have lighted Trailhead parking and Port-a-Jons, at our Quonset Hut, located on M69 and trail #113 (at the bottom of the hill in Crystal Falls) for your easy access to ride our trail system.

DNR Trail Map

Central Upper Peninsula Trail Conditions

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Marquette County

  • Big Bay Trails: (2/5) Use caution on all trails as there's still very little base
    • Big Bay to Andersons corner is groomed and in good condition
    • Big Bay to moose country trails is groomed and in good condition
    • 310 is groomed and in good condition
    • Big Bay to Marquette is groomed and in fair to good condition. The rocky areas are covered with snow but still near the surface.
  • Hiawatha Trails: (2/4) Groomer Barn to M553, Gwinn to Cascade, Crossroads Spur, Cascade to Trail 417, Marquette Mountain, 417 Junction to Eagle Mills full groom. Gwinn still severely lacking snow.    
  • Moose Country: (2/6) Trails 5, 82, and 8 are being groomed almost daily north of Republic. Trails 5 and 32 south of Republic have been groomed a few times, thin snow, and exposed rocks, ride with caution. Trail 18 to Amasa is groomed as needed.  Trail 8 to Lanse, 32 to Gwinn, 18 to Amasa, and 111 and 115 to Sidnaw are complete. 14 to Big Bay now has snow cover over the rocks, but thin.  Ride safe and keep right.
  • Trenary Trails: (2/1) Trail 8 from 417 to M94, Trail 7 north from 8 to Christmas, 417 to the Brownstone, and 418 from the Brownstone to Au Train. Trail 8 groomed out well, but the snow is like sand and won’t hold up to heavy traffic. 7 was the same with a few thin areas. 417 has a little bit better snow, but more thin spots and a few rocks close to the surface, so use caution. 418 was flat, but really thin with lots of rocks mixed in.

DNR Trail Map

Dickinson County

  • (1/26) Our Trails are closed because of lack of snow. The gates are Not open. We have about 4 inches on the ground. We need at least another 6 inches to open the gates. THINK SNOW!!!! 

DNR Trail Map

Menominee County

  • (2/3) Still not enough snow to groom. About 3" on the trails.

DNR Trail Map

Alger County

  • ​Munising: (2/5) Still 2 of 3 Groomers Down. Needed parts for the John Deere should be here tomorrow. We did get the priority valve replaced which was causing our loss of steering. We found an additional issue with the from axle keeper pin. The Prinoth parts should all be here Thursday. Expected to be back out before the weekend. TNT had a rear axle failure in their tractor when helping us with our trails. Schoolcraft has their PB repaired that went down on our trail while helping us. We know 419 is in real bad shape between Wetmore and XMAS. Tractors are having issues in the hills. We have been doing our best to keep all of the other trails in our system in good shape.
    • 8 East: Fair to Good
    • 8 West: Fair to Good
    • 7 South: Fair to Good
    • 7 North: Fair to Good
    • 419 East: Fair to Good
    • 419 West: Poor. 
    • 418 - Au Train: Fair to Good
    • 417 - Brownstone Jnct.: Good
    • 422 - Miners Castle: Good
    • Wetmore Spur: Good
    • 8 North - Shingleton: Fair to Good 
  • Grand Marais: (2/4) A little early morning trail report from Tim!! Link

DNR Trail Map

Delta County

  • No report available.

DNR Trail Map

Schoolcraft County

  • ​Seney: (2/2) Here’s the current trail update so everyone knows. All our trails are in good to great shape. Trail 43 to 10 Curves Rd is being groomed now that the loggers are gone. Trail 43 north of Seney has lots of snow and in great shape. Trail 431 has lots of snow and is in great shape. The only part of 431 that’s not good is the swamp section just north of Seney. Your best bet is to take trail 440 along M-77 up to the were it ties in to 431 just south of the Fox River. The swamp still is not frozen in spots and we can’t groom it yet. Trail 440 has lots of snow and is in great shape. Trail 8 to the Bear Trap has lots of snow and is in great shape. We do have 2 Park & Rides one is in Seney, and the other one is off M-77 north of Seney about 4 miles just past The Fox River. If you’re planning on coming up you are good to go. The snow gets deeper the further north of M-28 you go and the riding is good. If you have a trip planed come on up and enjoy it. We are grooming daily but with all the traffic trails do get beat up at times and we are doing our best to keep up and give you a smooth ride. Remember ride right and stay safe out there. Consider this the most current trail update.
  • Manistique: (2/4) With the 400trail casualty, I've been tardy in my trail reports, here goes:
    • 41north of Jack Pine trailhead is groomed nightly and remains in good to very good shape. Bridges will be a bit rough but with positive throttle control, and are easily repaired.
    • 410 into BootLake is pristine.
    • 413 is thin in the heavy forest areas and corners are snirty. It's well covered, flat and very rideable.
    • 7 from the 2west junction to the 411 junction is in good to real good shape. Some thin coverage in the heavy forest but very rideable to the North sections.
    • 2west of Manistique is thin and rough, the base is so fragile, traffic destroys it even after set-up. It's rough but rideable.the 2 trail out of Manistique east-bound is in good shape . The base is developing and the trail is flat.
    • 421 into Gulliver is thin in spots and a bit rough as well. The logging/forestry project north of Gulliver is expanding.. we will endeavor to keep the trail open/marked
    • The 41 north of Manistique is a bit thin but rideable and improves as you travel northward. The weather is promising to give us a bit of snow prior to the w/e so... Ride safe Ride right Ride sober Prez

DNR Trail Map

Eastern Upper Peninsula Trail Conditions

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Luce County

  • Newberry/Tahquamenon Falls area: (2/3) All of our Groomers are out and all of our trails will be all groomed by morning please get the groomer tracker app and you can keep up with where the groomers have been and half of the proceeds go to the clubs it’s a win win.

DNR Trail Map​ 

Chippewa County

  • Sault Ste. Marie: (2/6)The Pisten Bully is back in action in the Raco and Bay Mills areas after coming in to thaw out and get some routine maintenance done Tuesday night. Warren said trails are the best he’s seen them all season. I’m hearing much of the same from our operators in other areas. Dave groomed the city trails last night and saw only 5 sleds, so it should have set up nicely. Snowing currently, with a few more inches expected. We truly are having our best winter in many years here, and it just keeps getting better! Get out and enjoy! ❄️❄️❄️
  • Paradise: (2/5) 15 degrees this morning and cloudy. I picked up about 2" of snow last night on my deck and it looks like more is coming according to the weather guessers. We have at least 3' on the ground in case you are wondering. Nothing but good news from yesterday so here we go....... Groomer Keith ran the Pine Stump trails 8 & 9 and called them good. As usual, there is some drifting in "siberia" so be careful in that section. Groomer Gerald ran the Falls trail #45 and called that good. Groomer Ben ran the South trail #8 but I haven`t heard from him but I gotta assume its in great shape too. Now we get to Groomer Mike H. He`s our comic relief at da barn. He`s got his own rating system and he always dares me to use it but I can`t cause I`m afraid I`ll offend someone. He ran the Point trails #452 and #452 and lets just say he calls them excellent! Soooo......it doesn`t get any better folks. The weather is great.....the trails are great and the traffic is kinda low. Paradise is a little slow this year???? Don`t know why. I know my business is unusually slow. Come on over to a smaller town and enjoy it here. Shorter wait at the restaurants and gas stations. LET `ER SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Groomer Chris
  • Eckerman: No new report.
  • Drummond Island: (2/6) With the last snowstorm we got the trails are getting better. We would rate them between fair to good now mostly because some of the really rocky areas (particularly in the shore line areas) are still thin and need more snow. Another 5-6 inches of snow would make all the difference in the world. One groomer is currently out on the east end of the island. A word of caution is there is going to be a new logging operation in the south shore rd area towards the quarry Keep up the snow dance… it seems to be working!

DNR Trail Map

Mackinac County

  • St Ignace: (2/6) Trails have really cleaned up. Currently snowing and on the north loop to trout lake. (2/5) We are grooming and have had just enough snow to keeps the trails white and in good condition. No major issues to report. Yes you can ride out of St ignace. Brevort, Epoufette and Trout Lake areas are all good.
  • Curtis: (2/5) The Germfask trail 43 was groomed yesterday to the west of Curtis, up to Ten Curve Rd. Trail groomed up well and plenty of rideable snow. The Newberry to Curtis trail loop was groomed last night. We'll let the trail pictures tell the rest of that trail report 👍!
  • ​Les Cheneaux/Cedarville/Hessel: (2/5) Jim groomed 47 west from Cedarville to Mac trail/m134. Trail is great with a minimal base established. Two small areas of open water along Mac trail powerline- so take it slow. Really great to be off st ignace road with the new trail and bridge. The short section on st ignace that remains has little to no snow. Should be further improved with snow predicted on Thursday. Be safe.

DNR Trail Map

Share your snowmobiling adventures with us

We would love to see photos from your favorite snowmobiling rides! Use our hashtag #uptravel for an opportunity to be featured on our social media, website or in our marketing materials. You can also upload your photos to our winter content collector below.